There are only 287 days until Christmas!
Goals – DCTGA
The Delaware Christmas Tree Growers’ Association seeks to improve the practices of growing, promoting and marketing Christmas trees and related products, and to promote the education of DCTGA members and the general public, regarding these practices. Association goals are largely achieved through the conduct of professional meetings and educational seminars, as well as through promotional activities.
Meetings and Seminars
Each year DCTGA conducts the following meetings, in order to meet its goals and to conduct the ongoing business of the association:
- The annual winter business meeting is held on the last Saturday in January, or the first Saturday in February. This meeting is held in conjunction with a formal dinner.
- The spring meeting is held on the last Wednesday in March, in the evening.
- The summer meeting is held on the last Wednesday in June, in the evening.
- A fall meeting is held in conjunction with the annual picnic and is scheduled for the last Saturday or Sunday in September.
In addition to these regular meetings, the association also schedules seasonal demonstrations and field inspections for the purpose of the continuing education of its membership. These events vary from year to year and are scheduled at the convenience of the membership.
Promotional Activities
DCTGA members work throughout the year to represent the organization at various venues within the state of Delaware. Among the activities the association utilizes to promote Christmas trees are:
- The DCTGA Booth at the Delaware State Fair – Members design a display, set it up and staff the booth for the duration of the Fair.
- DCTGA Annual Wreath–making Contest – In order to promote evergreen products, the association sponsors this contest during the Delaware State Fair.
- Greenery demonstrations are conducted during the State Fair. Wreath and centerpiece construction is demonstrated so the public can appreciate the handmade techniques, which underlie this art.
- DCTGA publishes an annual Christmas Tree Buyer’s Guide, which is distributed at venues, at which the association is represented. This brochure presents information on DCTGA member farms, as does the website you are currently visiting.
- The Apple Scrapple Festival in Bridgeville, Delaware is a fall event, which DCTGA members traditionally attend.
- Individual DCTGA members participate in craft fairs, festivals and farmers’ markets throughout the state of Delaware and promote fresh Christmas trees at these venues.
Membership Application for All
Christmas Tree Growers in Delaware